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Community Support

b:friend Case Study: Norah & Harvir

Learn how Norah and Harvir, two kindred spirits, were brought together through b:friend.

Norah and Harvir were introduced by b:friend over a year ago, and formed a firm friendship.


Norah was referred to b:friend as her family lives out of town, and due to poor mobility she is not able to get out and about to socialise as she used to, especially since lockdown.  


At first, Norah wasn’t sure if she could get on with someone from a different generation, but when they met with befriender Harvir, they hit off straight away. Norah said she was pleased she gave it a go and gained a friend.


She said: “It clicked so easily with him, he is so easy to be with. I was a bit nervous at first, what if I didn't have anything in common with a younger man? But Harvir is lovely. I feel he is not just doing this out of duty, but a true friendship developed between us.”


When Norah was taken to hospital, Harvir was a great help while she was unwell. She said: “He is very kind, very thoughtful, very helpful. He visited me while I was in hospital, picked up library books for me, and dropped off other bits to the house to help.


“I met his wife and his little boy, and they even visited me on my birthday, which was lovely. My family had a chance to meet Harvir then, and they were also very pleased I have him as a befriender.”


Harvir said: "Norah has not only given me amazing friendship these past few months but has shared wisdom, knowledge and compassion in such a unique way. I'm really lucky to have become friends with Norah."


Norah said she would recommend others who feel isolated to try befriending: “I feel that my life has become richer since I have a befriender. It becomes richer the more people you know, and are in touch with, and it widens your horizons. I feel better having contact with other people, everyone needs that. It is nice to be interested in others, and have someone else who is interested in you.”

b:friend Case Study: Norah & Harvir


b:friend is a charity combatting loneliness and social isolation by pairing volunteer befrienders with older neighbours for a weekly chat and a cuppa in South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Since its launch in 2017, b:friend’s aim is re-connect over-65s with the people and places around them, and to create friendships to strengthen our communities.

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